Weight Loss Ticker

Saturday, May 9, 2009


well today I feel a bit better, I am leaving myself in the DVD mainly because a girl has worked hard on it, and it flows better for the presentation.
I have learn though that this is something I will probably not do ever again, well not while I am this size anyway. I am the sort of person who will run from cameras, so to do a dvd was a big thing for me. I do just look hideous, one of the nicer girls said "I think we wore the wrong things" I know she was being polite, she meant you wore the wrong thing. I am so mad about one of the girls, she is very slim and moaning that she looks pregnant! Your know this girl is like a size 12 she had a tinsy winsy bit of belly and I just thought BEEEP you. To top it all she is desperate to get hold of this dvd and I know it isnt for a good reason, why on earth would she want a copy after the presentation has been made? hmm stinks of taking the piss of us with her mates. Maybe I am being paranoid but just little bits of body language I pick up from her.
Well I am still on ww, still sticking to it each day I am aware that I could get down and start to eat, so today I am going to get in tons of nice things that are low points, and steer away from anything that can ruin a diet. I might pop to asda for a change and see what they have going I know when I do go they tend to have alot of ww friendly items for us. So heres to hoping I am still ok on thursday, got a few obsticles to get over during the week, the main one being the group wants to go out for a closure meal, I will see what they all suggest and decide form there if I want to go, but I think a ncie carvery would be lovely.

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